

One of the warmest January Thaws on record is on the way


A windy end to January means BIG temp swings & above normal temps.
With winds gusting to nearly 50 mph temps climbed to around 50 degrees this afternoon.
25 degrees above normal & warm enough for a record high temperature. It beat the old record by 3 degrees!!

A cold front moving through overnight will kick off a few flurries.
Colder temps will return on Wednesday. Even with the cool down, highs will still be about 15 degrees above normal.
The cold front will return to the north on Thursday. South of the front, gusty W/SW winds to around 40 mph will boost temps back into the 40s & 50s.
Record highs will be smashed on Thursday.
The record is 42 degrees. The all-time record high for the month is 56 degrees & within reach.

Wednesday: AM flurry? Sun & clouds. Windy & colder.
Thursday: Mostly sunny. Windy & warm.
Friday: Sun & clouds. Windy & colder.

This Weekend: Jimmy the Ground hog will let us know if we have 6 more weeks of winter or an early spring.