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NFL Draft road closures in Green Bay, Ashwaubenon begin in 6 weeks

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TITLETOWN (NBC 26) — As of Friday, we are exactly six weeks away from the first road closures caused by the 2025 NFL Draft.

The construction of the NFL Draft "theater," the stage where the picks will be announced, is the reason for an early closure of South Oneida Street, which is set to begin March 28.

"Most people think that it's just a three-day event, but it's really the build up that impacts the local residents the most," Ashwaubenon village manager Joel Gregozeski said. "So it will be impactful, in particular, that initial construction of the stage environment for the theater."

Watch Karl Winter's full story here:

NFL Draft road closures begin in six weeks

Gregozeski said detours will push would-be Oneida drivers to other north/south routes further west.

"Prior to the Draft, Holmgren Way is going to be open, so that's going to be the predominant route for most people to take during the Draft itself," Gregozeski said. "Then yes, you'll be pushing traffic towards that Ashland Avenue area. Typical traffic that you would see going down Lombardi is going to be encouraged to either use Ashland off of I-41 or Mason Street off of Interstate 41."

Gregozeski also said the NFL and local officials are working to establish dropoff zones for shuttles and rideshare drivers near the Draft campus — one near its east side, and one near its west side.

Generally, the traffic patterns will be much different than they would for a Packers game.

"Obviously, that's different than a typical [Packers] game day," he said. "Leading up to game time. Lombardi Avenue is typically open. Obviously, when we get closer to game time, then there are portions that are closed. In this particular case, the road will be closed even during that build-up period."

The Village of Ashwaubenon sent NBC 26 the following full list of potential road impacts caused by Draft build out and take down, which it says is subject to change.

  • S. Oneida Street
    •  S. Oneida Street (March 28 thru May 10). This closure includes a portion of Armed Forces Dr.
  • Lombardi Avenue (S. Military Ave to Holmgren Way)
    • Eastbound Lombardi Ave.  (Week of April 13 thru May 2)
    • This also includes S. Ridge Road (Lombardi Ave. to Lodge Kohler)
    • Westbound Lombardi Ave. (Week of April 19 to April 30)
  • Other travel impacts (approximately April 22 to April 28):
    • Holmgren Way (Lombardi to Mike McCarthy)
    • Mike McCarthy Way (S. Oneida to Holmgren)
    • Brett Farve Pass/Tony Canadeo Run (Holmgren to Badger State Brewing)
  • There will be other traffic pattern changes on other streets/roads near the campus for traffic coming to and from the Draft on April 24, 25 & 26.   This will include street parking changes.  The traffic/parking plan is being finalized at this time which will include travel detours and other transportation related matters.  Information for the general public will be coming in the near future once the plan has been completed.