

Fox Valley Voices of Men

A group of Fox Valley men is working together, helping to end sexual assault and domestic violence by dismantling Man Box culture and building a culture of Healthy Manhood.
Fox Valley Voices of Men describes themselves as a community where boys are taught Healthy Manhood, and men treat all people with dignity. The group was founded in 2007 when our four domestic violence/sexual assault agencies gathered men for a “Men’s Summit”.
According to their web site, leaders say domestic violence and sexual assault are often considered “women’s issues.” Voices of Men is trying to change that perception and get people thinking about these as “men’s issues” or “human issues” since approximately 90% of perpetrators are men.
Each year they hold a breakfast, with hundreds of men attending to learn about everyday behaviors and ways to end culture that creates violence and sexism. 
Click here for more information about Fox Valley Voices of Men.