

What is Chaos Farming? Kopeke Farm in Oconomowoc is leading the way


There’s a new and sustainable way to farm and one farmer in Oconomowoc is leading the way.

Its called “Chaos Farming.” The idea is to keep the soil healthy in between crops.

John Koepke, owner of Koepke Farms, and representatives from the Watershed Protection Program and Tall Pines Conservancy met to explain the basic idea and the overall benefit to the broader community.

“Chaos farming” isn’t new, but Koepke Farms has been committed to the practice for some time.

Through a grant, they acquired an assortment of seeds. The seeds are then scattered about the previous cash crop. At harvest time, the community can harvest from spinach to beans and anything else that was planted at that time. Church groups, homeless shelters, and individual citizens are among those who have come out to get these fresh vegetable options.

Watch the video at the top of this article.