

The Book Nook, a featured display at The Jewish Museum of Milwaukee


The Jewish Museum of Milwaukee has a thought-provoking exhibit that chronicles a story of bravery and determination.

The Book Smugglers: Partisans, Poets, and the Race to save Jewish Treasures from the Nazis, sheds light on the residents of Vilna who risked their lives to hide books and manuscripts from the Nazis.

Within this display of courage is a smaller featured exhibit called The Book Nook. It's a modern take on the issue of the banning of books taking place across the country.

The museum's curator says stifling voices is a slippery slope.

"These are classic pieces of literature from renowned writers and they are being pulled from libraries and schools," says Molly Dubin, Chief Curator of the Jewish Museum of Milwaukee.

The Book Smugglers exhibit is taking place through May 19, 2024

For more information clickhere.