

Pro-choice organizations celebrate return of abortions to Wisconsin Planned Parenthood

The grassroots organizations there say the decision is a win for their movement, but that their fight isn’t over yet.

MILWAUKEE — A rally held outside the Milwaukee County Courthouse supported Planned Parenthood’s decision to resume abortion services in Wisconsin.

The grassroots organizations there say the decision is a win for their movement, but that their fight isn’t over yet.

Lauren Forbush helped create Reproductive Justice Action Milwaukee (RJA-M) after Roe V. Wade was overturned.

“I know that we all just started this because we couldn't just sit back and do nothing anymore,” said Forbush.

She says their group has spent the last 15 months fighting for access to abortions and reproductive care in Wisconsin. Now that it's back, they say the advocacy only continues.

“There’s a lot of work to be done,” continued Forbush. “The ban still has to be overturned and there is a lot of accessibility issues when it comes to abortion services.”

While it's a day of celebration for groups like RJA-M, the pro-life organization Wisconsin Right to Life was gathering in Madison to fight the decision.

 “This is a very heavy day for all of us in pro-life advocacy,” said Gracie Skogman with Wisconsin Right to Life. “We're very saddened by this update and again we really know that we're fighting for life. We're fighting for the protection of the most vulnerable in our society. This is a very devastating setback.”

Skogman says the ultimate ruling is still up to the state's highest court.

“At this point, we are waiting on the final decision from the court, and ultimately just hopeful that life can continue to be saved here in the state.”

In the meantime, pro-choice advocates in Milwaukee celebrating what they believe is a step in the right direction.

“When we come together and we fight, we get stuff done,” Forbush said.