

Gov. Evers defends request for $855 million UW budget increase

governor tony evers uw madison

MADISON — Democratic Gov. Tony Evers on Wednesday defended his promise to ask for at least an $855 million increase in funding for the Universities of Wisconsin during the next budget cycle.

“It’s going to be an uphill fight, obviously,” Evers said during a visit to UW-Madison. “We have an obligation to make sure the system itself is in a good place, and it can’t be done with just nickel and diming it every year.”

UW regents voted to ask for an $855 million increase last month, saying the money would help them keep up with rising costs and put their funding on par with school systems in other states. Evers promised to meet or exceed that request in his draft of the budget.

Watch: Gov. Evers defends request for $855 million UW budget increase

Gov. Evers defends request for $855 million UW budget increase

Republicans who control the Legislature have repeatedly rejected Evers’ requests for increases ranging from $150 million to more than $300 million in previous budget cycles. In the last budget cycle, GOP lawmakers withheld UW pay raises in an attempt to force cuts to diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.

The chairs of the Legislature’s budget-writing committee did not respond to requests for comment on the new funding request on Wednesday.

The plan approved by UW regents would help keep the remaining two-year branch campuses afloat, expand a program to cover tuition and fees for low-income students and offer an 8% pay raise to all UW staff and faculty over two years.

Between now and next July, Evers and lawmakers will have several months of back and forth over the budget as state agencies submit their requests, Evers drafts a budget, and the Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee rewrites that draft. Ultimately, the governor can make changes with his partial veto power before signing a budget into law. That typically happens in July.