MILWAUKEE — The alley where 3-year-old Major Harris’ body was found near 35th and Rohr became the site of a vigil just minutes after police cleared the scene. The alleyway between homes was where officers found the young boy just after noon, neighbors say.

Many of the people at the location had been part of the search for the young boy for the past several days. They said they came here to offer support for the family and closure for themselves.
“We got results. Not what we were looking for, but he was found,” said Gwendolyn Mayon.
About two dozen people were led in a prayer circle at one point in the afternoon. Community activist Adante Jordan led the group and said this is a cry for help to address the bigger problem of violence on the streets on Milwaukee.
“What you saw today in the circle was us understanding our accountability in the community, that we have to heal the village. We have to get to a point where we aren’t burying our children,” said Jordan.
Milwaukee Police have not said what led them to the alleyway other than investigative leads.