

Small Towns: Negaunee's Ski Jump

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It’s well documented that back in the mid 1800’s Norwegians brought the winter pastime of skiing competitively here to the United States, but it took generations worth of folks growing up in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to help turn the hobby into a legitimate sport.

For 131 years folks have been drawn to one of Negaunee’s biggest draws in town.

Yoopers and international guests alike come here for a ski jumping tournament that has been burned into America’s history.

With only one postponed tourney in the last 30 years, there’s really only one uncontrollable element that can hold the jumpers back: the wind. 

It was the 25 mph gusts on the night of the show that forced the completion to be pushed to the following morning but the spectacle was worth the wait.

Upwards of 30 jumpers from across the globe showcased their skills on one of the oldest and so called best hills in the country.

This 295 foot tower that peaks just over the tree line was built in the early 1900’s which was just 39 years after the first ski jump tournament in town was held.

While the spectators have become ski jump experts of sorts, over the 131 years of taking the show in, only someone who’s really willing to take the plunge knows what a good flight is truly like.

Though the longest running ski jump tournament in the country probably had ten percent of the crowd on day two than they did on day one, the first night’s backdrop really gave you the chance to see the small town of Negaunee in a unique light.