Candy Funhouse is looking for their first and only Chief Candy Officer, a role that will pay $100,000 a year to eat candy.
The CCO will be responsible for deciding which new products Candy Funhouse will be carrying, leading candy board meetings, approving candy inventory and taking charge of all things fun.
After each candy tasting session, the CCO will also be able to decide whether or not to award each sweet treat with the official Chief Candy Officer Stamp of Approval.
Qualifications for the job are simple and easy
- Be at least 5 years of age or older
- Live in North America
- Be bold
- Be Creative
- Ready to try new things
- Come with golden taste buds and a sweet tooth
- Have a love for candy
Further details of the job and a mini tour of the facility can be found here.
Those interesting in applying for Chief Candy Officer can do so by going to
The deadline to apply is August 31, and yes, it does come with an extensive dental plan.