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Shawano County Fair begins

Posted 10:34 PM, Sep 02, 2020
and last updated 10:37 PM, Sep 02, 2020

SHAWANO COUNTY (NBC 26) -- The Shawano County Fair begins today featuring a truck and tractor pull event tonight.

Fair leaders worked with health officials to make sure procedures are in place to keep everyone safe in the wake of COVID-19. Leaders say the fair is a summer tradition that can't be replaced.

"My favorite part of the fair, and this will be my 18th year, is walking around the Midway looking at people smiling and having fun. That has been a continuing theme every year as people are together, and with others who they haven't seen in a while. Families come together. It's all a lot of smiles, a lot of laughing, and a lot of fun. That's the best part about this fair,” said Dale Hodkiewicz, President of the Shawano Area Agricultural Society.

The fair, which also features live music, fireworks and a demolition derby, runs through Sunday. Click here to learn more.