GREEN BAY (NBC 26) -- The Service League of Green Bay is helping kids get what they need for classes.
The Green Bay Back to School Store Drop Off is up and running at Celebration Church on Humboldt Road. This year, the process is different: agencies are picking up the backpacks and delivering them to kids.
Backpacks of supplies are tailored to the age of the student who will use them.
"We just think about the way we felt when we were young and when you walk into school. Whether or not it's at home, or your teacher's telling you to get your notebook out and you don't have can you focus on what you're supposed to do next? Being prepared just sets them off on the right foot so they can focus on learning,” said Anna Burnette, the Co-Chair of the Service League's Back To School Store.
The store serves more than 3,000 children. Click here to learn more.