ALLOUEZ (NBC 26) — On Saturday the Salvation Army Kroc Center teamed up with Uncle’s Mike’s Bake Shoppe for the first annual ‘Donut 5K’.

“It was kind of far. Had a lot of fun doing it,” said two little children who participated.

These little ones were part of the dozens who came out to Green Isle Park in Allouez for the event.
Families of all ages and abilities participated by either running or walking.

A spokesperson with the Salvation Army explains the reason they decided to tie this race to donuts.
They said it wasn’t just an extension of ‘National Donut Day’ but they say it is because their organization has a historical connection to them.

“Back in 1938 it was the first National Donut Day and it was to commemorate the work of the Salvation Army donut lassies, which were women who were serving donuts for troops on the front line during World War I,” said Nicole Hanley, Salvation Army Greater Green Bay Marketing Manager.

So as families crossed the finished line, both runners and walkers were able to claim their free donuts.

“The Donut 5K is something that Mike wanted to do years ago and we were able to do it today. We are the sponsorship so every runner out here gets a free donut. They get to either build their own donut, dream donut or they get one of our regular donuts the we get in store,” said Isabella Tomcheck, Uncle Mike’s Bake Shoppe Marketing Manager.

Proceeds from the event will go to benefit membership at the Kroc Center for disadvantage children and low income families.
Below are more photos from the event: