BROWN COUNTY (NBC 26) — With more people around Northeast Wisconsin fully vaccinated and more events picking up, there’s a new item on the growing list of demands around.
Portable toilets or as you may know them as port-a-potty’s are in big demand for summer music festivals, county fairs, and other festivities.

A woman examines a portable toilet on June 22, 2011 in Glastonbury, England.
In addition, during the pandemic many businesses ordered portable toilets as a safety precaution so that delivery drivers or guests wouldn’t have to enter buildings to use the restroom. Examples include for not only work places, but gas stations, truck and bus terminals and even some COVID-19 testing sites across the country.

For one Brown County business that offers portable toilets, they say there has indeed been a demand.

John's Johns out of New Franken provides portable toilets and outdoor sinks to Green Bay and the surrounding areas.

"So this year we added on about 125 toilets, we bought two semi loads in February expecting some demand, then we added on. We have another load coming in on July 1st and then August 1st. And those are rented out, as soon as we get them they're rented out," said Spencer Renier, John's John owner.

The company provides services for parties, events, races, weddings, construction sites and more.
"A lot of outdoor weddings, backyard parties, all the events are back and they seem to have more toilets than they've had in the past," Renier said. "Our events from Covid were probably about a quarter of what they were, there was not nearly the demand."
Watch below as the owner of the company explains the high demand.
Peak weekends this summer are booked and Renier said they expect more customers for Packer parties in the fall.

“Old customers are parks, Packer parties, there’s a lot of Packer parties that are coming back now that we didn’t have last year. Generally we have about 75 toilets for every home game, so that’s the expectation coming in fall. The 4th of July, Downtown Green Bay they have about 50 toilets so that would be sold out weekend as well,” Renier said.
The demand is so high, the owner even went all the way to Eagle River to pick up these 12 green toilets he found listed on the Facebook marketplace.

“The cost that I paid was $50 more than a brand new toilet in the spring and these are 20-year-old toilets that I’ve bought," Renier said.
Renier says he normally orders toilets from a manufacturer in Indiana, but said they're so backed up they don't have anything available until after the first of the year.
“As far as I know from the manufacture if you call right now being June you will not see your toilets until after the first of the year. As far as I know they make 350 toilets a day and as far as I know they’re gone,” Renier said.
He said hand washing stations remain as popular as ever.

And while there is a big demand, the owner said they often have last minute cancellations, so it's best to contact them either way for any needs.
Click hereto be redirected for more information on their services and details on how to contact them.