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'It's a great day, but we have a lot more to do': Juneteenth celebration held in Oshkosh


OSHKOSH (NBC 26) — A Juneteenth celebration in Winnebago County Wednesday marked the County's first official Juneteenth observation.

  • A Juneteenth celebration was held Wednesday, June 19 in Oshkosh
  • It was the first official Juneteenth celebration held by Winnebago County
  • Juneteenth is the anniversary of the remaining African American slaves in Texas being freed on June 19, 1865

(The following is a transcript of the broadcast story.)
There's history written on the walls of the Winnebago County courthouse.

And there was history spoken in front of the front steps.

[A speaker read] from the Emancipation Proclamation - President Abraham Lincoln saying all slaves shall be free...

Juneteenth is the anniversary of the remaining African American slaves in Texas being freed on June 19, 1865...

County employee Leah Ferguson spoke with [NBC 26] about Juneteenth overall.

"It's a great day, but we have a lot more to do in this country. It's a great country. but we have some things to fix yet," [Ferguson said].

County Executive Jon Doemel spoke about looking back at history.

"We must look to our past not as shame for the darkness, but appreciation for the actions we have taken to right injustice," [Doemel said].

Another attendee said he hopes to see more people at local Juneteenth celebrations in the future.