DE PERE (NBC 26) — The De Pere Deacons semi-professional hockey team has been practicing weekly at De Pere Ice Arena since 1977. That consistency and history paid off this year, with an enshrinement at the Wisconsin Hockey Hall of Fame.
- The Great Lakes Hockey League club is a step above a bar league, as the games are full-contact and the players' travel expenses are covered.
- The Deacons have won four GLHL titles (most recently in 2021) and one USA Hockey national title in 2010.
- It includes players from the United States and Canada and travels to some of the oldest hockey venues in the United States, like Eagle River Stadium and Dee Stadium in Houghton, MI.
- The team has its home opener Friday night at 8 p.m. at De Pere Ice Arena, with another home game Saturday at 7:30 p.m.
- The video shows an all-access look at the team's locker room and practice.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story, with additional details added for the web.)
Every week for almost fifty years, this team has taken this sheet of ice in this old hockey barn — and now that team has another home: the Wisconsin Hockey Hall of Fame.
Team captain Brian Konowalchuck is a full-time physician and a dad — but here, they just call him Doc.
"Everybody in this locker room has a regular job, a real job, but they spend time training, being in shape, playing hockey — and a lot of time together," Konowalchuck said, "So it's a commitment, but an incredible reward."
The De Pere Deacons locker room is a mix of vets like Konowalchuck, and the younger generation — like college student and goalie Dylan Baker.
"Obviously, I'm only in class for a couple hours a day, and I'm not really doing a whole lot of that," Baker said. "These guys are all working eight-hour shifts, 10-hour shifts, and then coming here to the rink."
Baker and his teammates are not paid, but community sponsors cover the team's gear and travel around the Great Lakes.
"What keeps you coming back, other than, it's just what you do?" NBC 26 asked Baker.
"I love it," he said. "I mean, it lets me meet all these cool guys. It's met me a lot of friends throughout my childhood and even now. So it's just something to do. Lots of friends here, and it's just a good time."
The team is steeped in history. Former Deacon Paul Coppo is a United States Hockey Hall of Famer, and his grandson Grady is now in his first year with the team.
Head coach Greg Nuthals has seen the team from its inception to Great Lakes championships to a national title. He played on the team for 23 years and has now coached it for 13 years.
"I like to just keep these guys here and keep them coming, just so they have a place to play," Nuthals said.
And now the history has a permanent shrine — at the Wisconsin Hockey Hall of Fame up in Eagle River, where the team was inducted this September — a testament to 50 years of high-quality hockey.
"You really feel a part of what has been generations of high-caliber, quality sports," Konowalchuk said, "and to have that opportunity, it really doesn't exist anywhere else that I've ever seen."
The Deacons will host the Eagle River Falcons for their home opener at De Pere Ice Arena, on Friday night at 8:00.