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Fond du Lac Fire: House fire could've ended in tragedy due to no smoke alarms

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FOND DU LAC (NBC 26) -- Fond du Lac Firefighters responded to a call of a home filling with smoke at 2:30 a.m. Thursday. After responding, the Department found no smoke alarms in the home.

Worse than not checking your smoke detectors twice a year is not having a smoke alarm at all, the fire department said. Fire officials said a Fond du Lac resident had this scary situation, but was lucky enough to be awake taking care of her baby at the time.

The Fire Department said the smoke was coming from a lamp smoldering a towel that was laying in a pile of clothes. The Department stayed to evacuate the smoke.

They remind residents to make sure their smoke alarms are working before going to bed tonight.

The Department also reminds people who rent that their landlord is required by law to provide and maintain working smoke alarms as well as working carbon monoxide alarms.

For more information you can visit the Fond du Lac Fire Department on the web by CLICKING HERE or call the Youth Fire Intervention Specialist, Jason Roberts, at (920) 322-3800.