MENASHA, Wis (NBC 26) -- After singing a record-setting three national anthems during the bucks NBA finals, Ben Tajnai has earned the title of "the bucks good luck charm," but the rising star doesn't need a huge crowd to feel like his voice is appreciated.
The national anthem is a song that helped Tajnai gain national attention. He was chosen to sing the tune for nationally televised games, which were showcased to millions. But on Thursday the singer performed for an elite crowd of fewer than fifty people, including his grand-aunt Marlene Brosman, who knew about his skills well before the world did.
"I knew Ben had a beautiful voice. A beautiful voice, very talented," says Brosman.
On Thursday at the Assisted Living Center in Menasha, Ben gave a VIP performance for his grand aunt and her neighbors; and started it off with the song which he says never grows old.
"No, never. Haha. I'm willing to do the national anthem anytime, anywhere," says Tajnai.
Just a few weeks back, Ben was singing in front of nearly 20-thousand Bucks fans and he was getting national attention for this rendition of the national anthem.
"That whole experience with the energy was just incredible. You can't underestimate it."
But Ben's a humble guy and singing for his grand aunt and just a handful of her friends' fills him with happiness that is reflected onto the faces of his audience.
"Don't get me wrong, I like to do the Bucks stuff too. But this is a way for me to give back and I'm happy to be here."
The man who earned the nickname of "the Bucks good luck charm," may have hit it big recently with his over-the-top vocals, but for friends and family who have heard it before just seeing the Wisconsin native belt out his beautiful voice in person again is just half of the charm in having him home.
"I'll be around for sure. You'll be seeing me," says Tajnai.