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Battle for Wisconsin's 8th District: Meet the Candidates Vying for Mike Gallagher’s Seat

Battle for Wisconsin's 8th District: Meet the Candidates Vying for Mike Gallagher’s Seat
  • The race to replace Mike Gallagher in Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District is heating up.
  • Three Republicans and one Democrat are vying for this rare open seat in Congress.
  • Meet the Candidates

As the race to replace Mike Gallagher in Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District heats up, each candidate is eager to distinguish themselves. Three Republicans and one Democrat are vying for this rare open seat in Congress.

Here’s a look at who’s running and what they’re bringing to the table as we approach the RNC and the Primary Election.

Meet the candidates:

Roger Roth, Former State Senator "I’m a home builder. I’m a veteran. I’m a dad, and I’m ready to go to Washington to get this country moving in the right direction."

Former State Senator Roger Roth is promises practical solutions and steady leadership to build a better America.

Dr. Kristin Lyerly, OBGYN "I am the hometown OBGYN mom, who is running for the people of Northeast Wisconsin to help solve the problems that the people want solved.

Dr. Kristin Lyerly says she aims to address the issues of economic hardships with a focus on affordable health care.

Tony Wied, Businessman "I’m the Trump-endorsed political outsider in this race. People are concerned with career politicians that just really serve themselves rather than serving the constituents, and that’s what I’m going to change."

Tony Wied, says he will bring his business skills to Washington to address key issues such as securing the border and lowering prices.

Andre Jacque, State Senator "I'm the proven conservative in the race and the fire that has been punished by special interests in legislative leadership, for standing up for my constituents."

State Senator Andre Jacque positions himself as the only true social and fiscal conservative with a strong focus on public safety.

Candidate Platforms:

As each candidate aims to separate themselves from the pack, this race is capturing the attention of the nation. The outcome could influence our political landscape.

Roger Roth "We need men and women in Washington who have real-world experience. I’ve served 25 years as a home builder and 20 years in the Air Guard with deployments to the Middle East. I’m the guy who can get things done in Washington from day one."

Tony Wied "I am making public service my sole mission after a career in business. I truly want to represent the people and be an outsider, which I believe aligns with the Founding Fathers’ intentions."

Andre Jacque "I'm also the only candidate endorsed by the Wisconsin Professional Police Association, by law enforcement throughout the district. That's obviously a great concern in terms of the southern border and issues that we're having with Public Safety and Homeland Security right now."

Kristin Lyerly "People are really struggling right now. They’re having a hard time just getting by. I care deeply about these issues and will address them. I’m the person who will actually hear them and fight for them in Washington, D.C. They haven’t had that in a long time, but I’m here for them."

Looking Ahead:

As we gear up for the RNC and the upcoming Primary Election, it’s crucial to understand what sets each candidate apart. Their visions and promises could shape not just the future of Northeast Wisconsin but our nation as a whole as we head toward the 2024 elections.