GREEN BAY (NBC 26) — A new online, six-week program is coming to the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay to help people learn about the digital transformation of Artificial Intelligence.
"We need to prepare our employee base on what is to come, and what's already here," said UWGB Executive Officer for Continuing Education & Community Engagement, Jessica Lambrecht.
Lambrecht is spearheading the school's first-ever A.I. program to offer a deeper dive into the technology and how it could impact the workforce.
"It's really very exciting," Lambrecht said.
Lambrecht says the course is designed for working professionals who are balancing busy schedules, and they're hoping to learn a basic understanding of Artificial Intelligence and how it can benefit them.
"There's more of a curiosity, all right, because I think unless you're truly embedded into the space, it's hard to understand and grapple with all of the changes that are happening related to A.I. and all kinds of different sectors or industries are working with A.I.," Lambrecht said.
The six-week, online course comes in four modules, and Lambrecht said there's a demand in Northeast Wisconsin as employers look to improve efficiency and save money.
Modules include:
- Foundations of A.I. - Provides an overview of A.I. development over time, including its progress over the decades, significant research and milestones. Experiment with diverse A.I. tools, encompassing visual A.I., conversational A.I., A.I. art generators, and more.
- A.I. Applications in Business - Explores how A.I. can be leveraged in business, most effectively in marketing and customer relations.
- Ethical & Social Impact - Discusses ethical obligations, human responsibility and societal impacts of A.I.
- A.I. Implementation - Discusses scenarios that could benefit from the adoption of A.I. Investigate how you can apply what you've learned by developing strategies for critical business situations.
"So, what we're trying to do is get ahead of that and best prepare those who need some working knowledge and day-to-day understanding of what's happening to become more comfortable with the language," Lambrecht said.
Students will not be given any credit for this class, but they will earn a certificate, including an Artificial Intelligence Digital Badge.

The program starts Monday March 11, and anyone can sign up for it.
Lambrecht says people can also sign up for the program between now and the next two weeks.
Lambrecht says industries that are data-intense like banking and insurance will find particular value in adopting A.I.
However, A.I. is also emerging as a key difference-maker in other areas of business and will benefit leaders and professionals with responsibilities in these areas: E-commerce, marketing and social media, health care, security, transportation, and customer relations to name a few.