

Bernie Sanders visits Green Bay

and last updated

UPDATE: Wisconsin could be a deciding state in this year's presidential election, and that means candidates are zeroing in on the Badger State, trying to win votes they didn't get during the April primaries.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders visited Madison and Green Bay Wednesday to campaign for Hillary Clinton.

In Green Bay, Senator Sanders spoke to a room full of supporters at The Salvation Army Kroc Community Center about why he now supports her, looking for his supporters to vote with the Democratic party in November.

"I think at the end of the day, many of the people who voted for me understand that a Donald Trump presidency would be a disaster for this country," said Sen. Sanders (D-Vermont).

Millennials were a huge reason for Sen. Sanders success in the Wisconsin primary, and now the Clinton campaign is working to get some of those votes.

"I really feel that even if Hillary Clinton might not be the solution, Donald Trump is probably the problem," said Yasmin Nur, a young Muslim woman from Green Bay who is a Sanders supporter.

One key reason Sanders had the support of young people was his stance on college tuition and relieving student loan debt. Now, Sanders and Clinton have worked together on a plan to address those concerns, he said.

"Public colleges and universities must become tuition free for every family in America earning less than $125,000," Sen. Sanders said. "That's a big deal."

Sen. Sanders made a point to campaign in the Badger State given its potential importance in this election.

"Wisconsin's electoral votes could make the difference, and I want to do everything I can to see that Donald Trump does not become our next president and that Hillary Clinton does" he said.

Sanders covered issues from expanding affordable healthcare options to raising the minimum wage.

"I thought it was very powerful to tell you the truth, and all the issues that he covered," said Harold Frank, a Clinton supporter.

But this election shouldn't be about either candidate and a "personality contest," according to Sanders.

"It must be about the American people," he said.

On Wednesday, he urged his supporters to vote for what's best for America's working class, which he believes is Hillary Clinton.


Bernie Sanders will speak at The Salvation Army Kroc Community Center in Green Bay today. 

During his speech, Sanders will address dozens of Hillary Clinton supporters, hoping to sway the minds of those on the fence.

With Hillary Clinton looking to grab the millennial vote, Bernie Sanders is the man for the job. 

Sanders was a popular candidate among younger voters. Now he's encouraging young voters to rally behind his previous competitor. 

He's expected to address topics like early voting and student debt. 

Sanders' visit comes on the heels of the first and only vice presidential debate this election season. 

Doors open at The Salvation Army Kroc Center on Lime Kiln Road at 3:45 p.m. Sanders will take the stage around 5:00 p.m. 

You must register, if you're planning on attending. RSVP here