

Brown Co. health leaders declare Public Health Emergency COVID-19 Alert

Posted 5:34 PM, Oct 03, 2020
and last updated 5:34 PM, Oct 03, 2020

NORTHEAST WISCONSIN (NBC 26) — Following neighboring counties, Brown County health leaders along with De Pere and Oneida Nation Health Departments declared a Public Health Emergency COVID-19 Alert. This is due to the high levels of coronavirus cases as well as increased hospitalizations and deaths related to the virus.

"The recent surge in cases has diminished the ability of our collective public health agencies to notify positive cases and their close contacts in a timely manner and hampers our efforts to contain the spread of the virus," the joint statement reads. "In turn, hospitals are enacting their emergency plans. Public health implores everyone to take immediate actions to stop this uncontrolled community spread."

The Brown Co. Health and Human Services – Public Health Division reminded everyone to continue physically distancing yourself at least six feet from people you do not live with, wear a cloth face mask in public, wash your hands frequently, along with several other recommendations to ensure the health and safety of the community.

Health officials said to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days after returning from travel. If symptomatic, call your health care provider, get a test, and stay home while awaiting results.

Health officials are encouraging the following strategies to businesses and other facilities:

Businesses and community organizations use WEDC Guidelines.
Community Gatherings: Do not hold indoor gatherings. Limit outdoor gatherings to 10 people or fewer; physically distance and wear face coverings.
Restaurants, Bars: Offer take-out, curbside pick-up or delivery only. Close indoor bars.
Salons, Spas, Gyms: Provide minimum operations only.
Offices, Workplaces: Keep only essential workforce on-site; symptom monitor; use precautions.
Grocery Stores, Pharmacies: Remain open, with no dine in, self-service or customer dispensing.
Retail: Use mail delivery and curbside pick-up options. Limit the number of patrons who enter.
Hotels, Lodging: Use strict sanitation protocols.
Concerts, Festivals, Sporting Events: Do not hold these events at this time.

For more information on cases in your area and COVID-19 recommendations, visit your local health department’s website.