MANITOWOC (NBC 26) — Meet the candidates vying to serve as Manitowoc's Mayor for the next four years.
- Mayor Justin Nickels says he is the guy to continue Manitowoc's financial and economic successes
- Jason Prigge says that he is focused on easing the tax burden and controlling the budget
- The city will vote for their guy on April 1st
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)
Two men who have made a big impact on the lakeshore, the Manitowoc mayor race is drawing eyes from around our community.
On April 1st, our city will decide who will lead them for the next four years. A newcomer who made his name promoting this community or the longtime mayor, a man who's spent his career leading Manitowoc.
"It was surreal. I was 22 years old at the time,” Mayor Justin Nickels said of his first victory. “When I was elected, I was the youngest full-time mayor in the country."
That was 16 years ago for Mayor Nickels. At the time, he saw Manitowoc in decline and wanted to turn it around.
"I think being born and raised here and having my family here, I saw that potential, and I really, truly believe that we are realizing that today,” Nickels said.
Mayor Nickels points to the revitalization of downtown and key projects like the Manitowoc mall property and Mirro site as current successes.
During that time, another man had moved to town and started working with non-profits. Before long, Jason Prigge had a production company and non-profit of his own promoting the lakeshore.
"Manitowoc is second to my family, what I care about the most,” said Prigge.
Prigge continued his work until this past year when, after a nearly fatal accident, he decided he wanted to make the most of his time in our city.
"I can really put Manitowoc back on the map as one of the leaders in industry and attract people here from all over the world," Prigge said.
Now, the two men vie for the top job with the election less than a month away. I asked both candidates one thing that they will focus on in their potential term.
"If there's one thing I would run on or a reason to elect me is fiscal responsibility,” Prigge said. “Controlling the budget and easing the tax burden on my fellow citizens here in Manitowoc."
Mayor Nickels echoed the budget’s importance as well as its continued success.
"With all of the great things we have going on, the developments we have going on,” Nickels said. “I really think I'm the best candidate to see us through the next four years."
For more information on the election, click here.