MANITOWOC (NBC 26) — Mark Lorier was nationally recognized by the American Association of Community Colleges.
- Mark Lorier of Lakeshore College is being honored by the American Association of Community Colleges.
- The Dale P. Parnell Award goes to faculty members who make a difference in and out of the classroom.
- Lorier will receive the award in April in Nashville.
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)
While many of us may have no clue what a CNC machine is or how to use it, a group of students in Cleveland are learning how to do just that. And those students are learning from a man who can now call himself one of the nation's best.
Mark Lorier is a machining and CNC instructor at Lakeshore College and he's now nationally acclaimed.
”Yeah it's quite an honor,” said Lorier. “I think it's all kind of sinking in yet."
Lolier was recently recognized by the American Association of Community Colleges, with the Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty Award. The award is given to people making a difference inside and outside of classrooms across the country.
"Consistency and always putting the students first is what we all try to do here,” Lorier said.
"The first time I was like, woah! All the machines were way above my head,” said student Johnathon DeBruin.
DeBruin is majoring in CNC automation. He has had more than a dozen classes with Lolier.
"He's very good at taking very complicated ideas and stating them very simplistically,” DeBruin said of Lorier.
A quality recognized by everyone at the college, all the way up to its president, Paul Carlsen.
"My first thought was, of course, he won the award, he's one of the best faculty in the country,” Carlsen said. “It's great to have that recognized."
But for Mark, described by everyone as humble, it's about the students, not the recognition.
"When they have that excitement, like I do after being in it for so many years,” says Lorier. “It's just nice to see that lightbulb go off finally."
Mark's ride is not over yet. The American Association of Community Colleges will present him with the award in April in Nashville.