PLYMOUTH — Abel Fouts is about as soft-spoken as it gets (at least during our interview), but don’t let that fool you.
When it comes to charity work, he’s a force to be reckoned with.

Fouts is a fourth-grade student at Horizon Elementary in Plymouth, and a superstar participant in the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge, a way to raise money for those with heart issues.
He says it’s all “to help people.”
“This is his third year doing it,” his aunt Becky Keske said.

Keske reached out to me via Facebook to share all about her inspiring nephew.
Horizon Principal Matt Mueller said Fouts and his family couldn’t wait to start fundraising again this year.
“Every day in the line at pick-up, Abel’s family would say, ‘When’s the Heart Challenge kicking off? When’s the Heart Challenge kicking off?’” he recalled. “And I’m like, ‘Hey, it’s September.’”

The challenge doesn’t even officially begin until February 7, and Abel has not only surpassed his goal, “But then he knew that the school goal was $4,000 and he’s like, ‘We can do this.’ And I was like, ‘We can do this Abel,’” Keske nodded.
So with only candy bars and lemonade stands, Fouts has so far raised $4,018.17, to be exact.
“That’s a lot of money, wouldn’t you say?” I asked him at his desk.
Watch: Plymouth 4th grader exceeds school charity goal by himself:
“Mhm,” he replied with a soft smile.
His quick progress even caught the eye of a local AHA representative, Jackie Weir.

“I reached out to his mom and I said ‘Oh my goodness, he’s at it again!” she said, noting his stellar performance from last year. “He’s the top student so far in my territory and the top in the state as well as far as I know.”
“When I saw the numbers, I was just blown away,” Principal Mueller remarked. “Like this guy takes it pretty seriously.”
Fouts wants to secure his spot as Horizon’s top fundraiser, earning him the privilege of naming the school’s gymnasium.
Last year, he chose “Abel’s Fortnite” after his favorite video game.
This year, his choice means a little more: Chris Helmer.

“Our old principal who died from cancer,” Fouts explained.
PREVIOUS COVERAGE: STRONGER TOGETHER: Family, Plymouth community mourn loss of elementary school principal
I did a story with the Helmer family after Chris’ passing in the fall.
They said he had a great impact on his students during his time as an educator.
“He is missed, and you can tell that his spirit lives on in our school building,” Principal Mueller said.
Fouts said it’s a way to remember Mr. Helmer while also giving back to a good cause.
“How does that make you feel?” I asked.
“Happy,” he stated.
“You feel like you’re making a difference?”
“Yeah,” he answered.
“His dad said to me, ‘We named him Abel because everybody is able to help out, everybody is able to make a difference,’” Weir said, placing her hand on her heart. “And I’m getting tears and choking up because that just really touches me.”

Fouts’ new goal is to hit $5,000 in the next 40 days.
His family’s next pop-up candy bar sale is February 1 at Sheboygan’s south side Tietz’s Piggly Wiggly from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
To donate directly to Fouts’ cause, visit