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Tubing hill draws hundreds despite warmer winter

  • The tubing hill at Winter Park draws hundreds on the Saturdays and Sundays it is open from noon to 5 p.m.
  • The park's ski hill and ice rink are closed for the season due to unseasonably warm temperatures and a lack of snow
  • Kewaunee County Promotions and Recreation Director Dave Myers says the continued warm conditions could close the park early, but his team is working hard to keep that from happening
  • Tubing costs $10 per person for two hours at Winter Park, including use of the tube

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story.)

It's been an unseasonably warm winter. But, that's not stopping people from coming out and enjoying Winter Park. I'm Pari Apostolakos reporting in Kewaunee, where they hope to keep the tubing hill open for a few more weeks.

The tubing hill is open every Saturday and Sunday at Winter Park from noon to 5 p.m. But, the season will end if the weather gets too warm. One young visitor says the best part of coming out here isn't the snow or the thrill.

"Family and friends."

That's Mel Steffen's daughter, Hadley. The Green Bay mom made the trip to Kewaunee for the winter fun.

"It gets us outside for two hours in the winter and not cooped up inside ... I love the sun and that we still get to do winter activities."

But, those sunny conditions and warm temperatures already closed the ice rink and ski hill here at Winter Park and staff are working hard so the tubing hill doesn't shut down too. Most of the snow on the hill right now is man-made, not natural.

"You know, a good day is probably about 300 to 350 people ... So we're just hoping to, I guess, finish strong. Get some more people out here to have some fun while we still have some snow left before the season ends completely."

Promotions and Recreation Director Dave Myers says overall attendance numbers are down because the park opened later than usual because the weather was too warm.

They hope to keep the park open through the first week of March. But that, of course, will depend on the weather. In Kewaunee, Pari Apostolakos NBC 26.