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Pittsfield stands by Pulaski water pipeline

Town tries to avoid annexation from one village by siding with another

PITTSFIELD (NBC 26) — Pittsfield is standing by Pulaski when it comes to the village's plans for a water pipeline. Town Chairperson Keith Deneys says a water pipeline will most likely come to Pittsfield sooner or later, the question is when and how.

  • Deneys says the town has considered plans for water pipelines near the southern portion of the town
  • They have considered plans for about 3,000 feet of water pipeline running north and south along County Trunk Highway U, about 5,000 feet running east to west along Glendale Avenue, and about 4,000 feet running north and south along County Trunk Highway C
  • Deneys says there is a chance people living along the pipeline will be required to pay to hook up to the water supply
  • The town has also considered allowing required residents to pay for the construction through deferred payments over time or using tax dollars to cover the cost

(The following is a transcription of a full broadcast story.)

I told you in May, Pulaski may be getting Lake Michigan water and Pittsfield plans to get in on the action. I'm Pari Apostolakos here to tell you what that means for town residents.

Keith Deneys has been the town of Pittsfield Chairperson for nearly two decades.

"We've been discussing water, trying to get water into the town for many, many years," he said.

Pittsfield once asked the village of Howard about hooking up to their water supply. But, Deneys says they backed out when Howard started discussing annexation.

Deneys says Pittsfield could tap into a future line to Pulaski, fed by the Green Bay Water Utility through Hobart.

Pulaski needs state approval and Deneys says Pittsfield will back its neighbor next month at the state Public Service Commission hearing.

Howard opposes the plan.

At the same state meeting, Pittsfield will oppose Howard's plans to build a pipeline to supply water to a property Howard bought in Pittsfield.

"If the case were to go in the way of Howard, Howard eventually will take over the majority of Pittsfield," Deneys said. "If it goes to Pulaski, there's a potential that we can take some steps to guarantee the future of the township."

Deneys says nothing is set in stone yet.

"It's probably going to be that either, eventually, you're going to get the services from Howard, or you're going to get services from Pittsfield," he said. "When does that happen? I don't know."

Deneys says there's a chance people who live by the planned pipeline could be required to use it and payments for construction could be deferred, or covered by tax dollars.

"It's not the town's money, it's the people's money, and our job as representatives is to look at it and figure out what's the best thing to do for the town overall," Deneys said.

Deneys says even after next month's meeting with the state Public Service Commission, they could be waiting for an answer until the Fall. In Pittsfield, Pari Apostolakos NBC 26.