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Season of giving or taking? Police warn community of increased package thefts

Shocking numbers reveal how many people fall victim to porch piracy during holidays
  • Police advise the community to take precaution as the holiday season brings more package thefts.
  • 44 million people nationwide have had a package stolen in the last three months, video shows footage of packages being taken.
  • What police recommend the community to do to keep packages safe during the holidays.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

The final days for holiday packages deliveries are here as we are just hours from Christmas, and police say now is when they see an increase in package theft.

"It's a very inexpensive way to give you a little peace of mind."

Nate Aschliman is from Green Bay. He and his family moved back to the area about a month ago and they're already taking precautions against porch thieves.

"We have a video doorbell that sends an alert right to my phone," Aschliman said.

Precautions to protect packages during this season of giving - to avoid it becoming the season of taking.

"Once I get that notification, I head to the doors as soon as I'm able and grab the package off the stoop, just so it's not sitting there too long," Aschliman said.

According to, 88% of adults are worried about theft of online purchases.

Fourty-four million Americans have had a package stolen in the last three months and only 15% of people reported it to police.

"Report as soon as possible," said Green Bay Police Patrol Captain Clint Beguhn. "If we don't get timely reports, we can't do timely investigations."

Beguhn said this time of year brings a spike in thefts.

"Ask a neighbor if they can shovel your driveway, get your mail stopped or have somebody bring it in for you," Beguhn said. "Get some one of those those timers for your lights people will think you're home or coming and going, just make yourself a little bit harder of a target."

"It was around 10 o'clock at night I had gotten the notification," said Trinity Anderson, Green Bay resident.

Anderson says she was sent a photo about her package arrival but after 40 minutes it was gone.

"I looked around, I checked the picture on the email. It was on my front porch, and it wasn't there," Anderson said.

Beguhn said another way to be more cautious is by breaking down boxes for electronics left out for recycling.