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'Makes this world go round': Making Labor Day more than just another day off

32nd annual Labor Day picnic at Bay Beach celebrates labor workers, union
  • The 32nd annual Labor Day picnic was hosted by the Greater Green Bay Labor Council.
  • The family event acknowledges the variety of labor workers across Green Bay and throughout the country. Organizers say Labor Day should be more than just about
    "sales" or a "day off."
  • All proceeds from the event go to local homeless shelters and food pantries.

Greater Green Bay Labor Council president, Steve McFarlane acknowledges his gratitude for the labor force and unions.
"They are what makes this world go round," McFarlane said. "Day to day, week to week. There's a whole lot of people that are working right now and because everything needs to continue to operate, but we'd like everybody to pause and just appreciate what labor has accomplished."

McFarlane continues the labor day celebration tradition. This year marks 32 years for the Labor Day picnic located at Bay Beach.

"Take a few minutes today to think about everything that workers have done in our community and that's who make our community work," McFarlane said.

Organizers say it's a family event for everyone.

Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich attended.

"I saw a recent poll from the AFO-CIO that said 88% of generation Z are supporters of labor unions, so I think that's an indication of where we are headed," Genrich said.

There were several activities including face painting, magic shows and interacting with wildlife brought by the Bay Beach Wildfire Sanctuary.

"It's really an opportunity to celebrate and thank people from the labor movement who have brought us all the workplace protections that so many people benefit from," Genrich said.

Genrich said he encourages everyone to not just show appreciation for the labor force only on Labor Day, but every day.

All proceeds from concessions and raffle giveaways are given to local homeless shelters and food pantries.