DOOR COUNTY (NBC 26) — Owners of Parallel 44 Winery and Door 44 Winery say that while they plan to sell this location and consolidate, their doors in Kewaunee remain open for now.
- Parallel 44 Winery owner Maria Milano explains how they decided to consolidate locations
- Parallel 44 Winery in Kewaunee, where Milano and her husband have run the winery for the past 20 years
- Milano describes why they decided on their Door 44 winery location
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)
Maria Milano and her husband are in the wine business.
"It seemed like ultimately it's easier to have one location" Milano
They own Parallel 44 Winery and Door 44 Winery. They started Parallel 44 Winery 20 years ago
"That's not an easy decision after so many years, we love the location" Milano said.
Now, they’re planning to consolidate their locations by selling the Kewaunee property, while continuing to make wine at Door 44 in Door County.
"If we can do that in one location we just felt like that would be a better long term plan" Milano said.
She says a key factor in the decision was how often customers visited both locations.
"If our customers are really frequenting both locations and we're one unified business, the long term plan seemed to make sense to consolidate into one location" Milano said
"She says the space at Door 44 is larger than their location at Parallel 44. Although they’re consolidating to one location, they have no plans to change what they do
"We will remain 100 percent local and all grape production's not going to change and our goal of making award winning local wine is gonna stay the same" Milano said.
The owners plan to operate this location for tastings and other visits until it sells, with the business eventually being fully run out of their location in Door County.