APPLETON (NBC 26) — A $100,000 bond has been set for Michael Donnelly after charges were brought against him in the death of his infant son, Hunter, 15 years ago.
It still isn't clear why the charges were brought now.
Donnelly appeared alongside his defense attorney, Jennifer Kelly, who requested a signature bond and argued for a “low” cash amount with no sobriety requirement.
“There are some alcohol-related arrests and convictions in his past, but nothing in the last seven, eight years related to alcohol,” Kelly said.
She also pointed to the length of time since the death occurred.
“I do understand these are serious accusations, serious charges. However, it did take place 15 years ago, and for whatever reason at the time, or in the past decade and a half, there were no charges brought against Mr. Donnelly,” Kelly said.
But Outagamie County District Attorney Melissa Tempelis and the state pushed back, arguing Donnelly’s actions directly led to his son’s death.
“Due to his alcohol consumption and co-sleeping with the infant on the couch, he caused the child’s death,” Tempelis said.
She also brought up Donnelly’s prior convictions, including a domestic violence case in Brown County and a 2017 third-offense OWI in Outagamie County.
In the end, Outagamie County Court Commissioner Brian Figy ruled against a low bond, citing concerns about public safety and flight risk.
“I believe the defendant is a danger to the public and a flight risk, that a significant cash bail bond is warranted. I authorize a cash bail bond in the amount of $100,000,” Figy said.
Figy also ordered Donnelly to have no contact with the mother of his deceased child and maintain absolute sobriety throughout the proceedings.