ALLOUEZ (NBC 26) — James March was welcomed by the Allouez village board Tuesday night as the new village administrator. March is in ongoing litigation with the town of Grand Chute.
- Hear the Allouez village president welcome the new village administrator
- March says he is fully committed to serving the community of Allouez
- Hear why he says he is suing his former employer, the town of Grand Chute
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story.)
Allouez welcomes its new village administrator Tuesday. I'm Pari Apostolakos and I spoke with Jim March about the ongoing lawsuits against his former employer, the Town of Grand Chute.
"We are very pleased to introduce to our community our new village administrator, James March, who has many many years of experience in leading villages, towns and municipalities," Allouez Village President Jim Rafter said. "We're thrilled to have him with us."
James March officially became Allouez's new village administrator Jan. 2.
March says he was formerly employed by the Town of Grand Chute for 15 years.
According to court documents, he filed a federal lawsuit last year against Grand Chute.
"I decided to pursue a lawsuit because I believe my federal rights had been violated," March said.
Court documents say March is suing Grand Chute and three of the town's supervisors for firing him in what he says was retaliation for speaking and cooperating with law enforcement about a criminal investigation involving those three supervisors.
"I think justice needs to be served so I want to see it through," March said. "I was always taught if you've been wronged you need to defend yourself."
In late October, March also filed a civil lawsuit against the town.
"I still live in Grand Chute and I hope that community has a bright future as well," he said.
March says in his new role he looks forward to possibly helping Allouez decommission the village's prison, helping with roadway projects and looking for redevelopment opportunities. He says he thinks the lawsuits against Grand Chute will be resolved within the next few months and he is fully committed to serving the community of Allouez.
"I'm serving it with 100% effort," March said.