
Partners in Education: Best yearbook by Bay Port High School students


We all remember our high school yearbook, our hair style, our smile but most may not know what goes into producing one. A group of students, at  Bay Port High School's publication class knows this all too well. They've received a national award for their yearbook.

The school's publication class received Josten's 2017's National Yearbook of Excellence award, the teacher behind it all Vicki Quinn, gives all the credit to her students.

"I think our students are the ones that make it unique..." said Quinn. 

28 students in the class uniquely photographed, 1,800 students. 

Editor in Chief Greta Urban says it wasn't easy to produce. "We spent so many hours in this yearbook, out of the class, in the class, on different assignments, sometimes going 30 minutes away to get a picture if that made the picture." said Urban.

Students say the 192 year page yearbook was a creative journey for everyone involved.

"It was a modern theme design and we kinda did like an old school design for that book, thats what i think set it apart was kinda like it just being old school and different." said Abe Lacroix, a senior videographer.