

Officer leaves hospital with comrades support

Posted 1:53 PM, May 28, 2016
and last updated 8:46 PM, May 31, 2016

The Appleton police department has released the names of those involved in a shooting over the weekend. The officer involved in the incident was Officer Stephanie Wiener. Officer Wiener has been with the Appleton Police Department since January 2015. She was released from the hospital earlier Tuesday and is recovering.

The citizen who came to her aid was Andrew Maltbey, a 23-year-old Appleton man. He was released from the hospital on Sunday. 

The deceased suspect is Marcus D. Felton, 23 of Appleton.


Watch as fellow officers celebrate officer Wiener's release from the hospital

Appleton Police thank the community for the outpouring of support for Maltbey, Officer Weiner and the men and women of the Appleton Police Department.

This incident is currently under investigation by the Green Bay Police Department.

Original Story:


The Appleton Police Department released new details this afternoon regarding a shooting last night that left an officer injured.

The department says as the officer approached the suspect, she used multiple control options including verbal commands and her Taser to try and control him. The suspect attacked the officer and fought violently for control of her firearm. The suspect was able to disarm the officer and fired at her, hitting her in the hip area.

The suspect then fired multiple rounds toward citizens who had stopped to help the officer. One of the men was struck in the upper chest area.

According to the police department, witnesses said the suspect then shot himself in the head and died at the scene.

The female officer and the male victim were taken to a hospital where they underwent surgery and will recover.

The Appleton Police Department contacted the Green Bay Police Department to investigate the incident although it was not required.

Names of those involved are not being released at this time.



A 23-year-old man is dead while an Appleton police officer and a good Samaritan are both wounded after being shot by a robbery suspect early Saturday morning.

It happened on Kensington Drive in east Appleton after the officer confronted a suspect who matched the description of a person involved in two retail thefts that happened earlier Friday night. The suspect resisted that arrest and managed to get a hold of the officer’s gun. He ultimately injured the officer and good Samaritan before taking his own life.

It's a tragic event. A man is dead and two others are lucky to be alive today. While all the details won't be known until the investigation is complete, for the folks in east Appleton who saw it happen it's a night they won't forget.

Around 10:30 Friday night at the Mobil Gas station off of Newberry Street a man managed to steal some cigarettes. Just over an hour later just down the road at Moto Mart Gas Station police say the same crime happened with the same physical description given to them. Authorities saying today, that they caught up with their suspect less than a mile away.

"The officer attempted to stop the male and he refused to stop and obey orders," says Chief of Appleton Police Todd Thomas.

Neighbors heard the dispute going down and went to their windows to see what the commotion was about.

"We woke up about midnight. Between 12:00 and 12:30 and we heard a couple of screams, a couple of real loud screams. Screaming no, no, no," says Mike Lodahl of Appleton who watched the event unfold.

The officer and the 23-year-old suspect were struggling for control of the police woman's gun. Fortunately the police were about to get some help.

"Two men in a passing car saw the fight and stopped behind the officer’s squad car and got out to help," adds Chief Thomas.

But authorities say the suspect managed to get the officer’s gun during the violent encounter.

"I hear three loud, I thought it was crashes," says another neighbor in East Appleton Jim Mayer describing what he later found out was gun shots.

"And he shot off three or four shots towards the white car. Which now we find out that the good Samaritan and police officer were hiding behind that car," adds Lodahl.

The officer was shot in the hip and the good Samaritan was shot in the upper chest according to police.

"I just hope they’re all right. Because what a good thing to do to help a cop that needed assistance," adds Mayer.

Today both are recovering at a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries. But the suspect, multiple witnesses and authorities say after shooting them he then turned the gun on himself.

"That's the real tragedy.... Unfortunately somebody lost their life. That's the real sad part. And hopefully the cop and the other person will be just fine," adds Lodahl.

While it wasn't required, Appleton police asked that the Green Bay police department to take over this investigation. They say it’s all in an effort to be transparent. The names of those involved in this incident will likely be released in a few days. 


Original Story:

An Appleton Police Officer is now being treated for non-life threatening injuries from a gunshot wound after a struggle took place early this morning.

Appleton Police say it began last night just before 11 PM after reports of a theft at the Mobil gas station on Newberry Street.

A gas station employee provided police with a detailed suspect description.

After midnight, a suspect with a similar description robbed the MotoMart gas station on Kensington Drive.

When an Appleton Police Officer saw a man matching the suspect's description they attempted to arrest him.

The suspect resisted arrest and a physical struggled occurred in the 900 block of S. Kensington Drive. In that struggle, the officer was shot.

Two passerbys in a car stopped to help the officer. One of those men was also shot by the suspect.

The suspect, a 23-year-old Appleton man, was shot and died of his injuries at the scene.

Now the Green Bay Police Department is investigating the incident. They say more information could be released later today.